While the rest of the world is readying itself for the Summer Olympics in August, Europe is far from Rio ready. But for an excellent reason: the 2016 UEFA European Championship, or the Euros as it's affectionately known, is upon us.
Like the Eurovision Song Contest for soccer, but without Australia in the mix, the football tournament is all sports fans across the continent can talk about right now -- and Google is getting in on the action.
The search giant's creative animators have taken on the task of creating a dedicated Google Doodle to celebrate the kick off the Euros and have scored not once, but twice, with a pair of doodles bound to get everyone in the spirit.
This year football fans will be able to celebrate with a plate of Brie and a glass of Beaujolais as the tournament is set to take place on French soil, so inevitably the doodles comes with a Gallic twist. In one a coq sans vin does a header; in the other, the Eiffel Tower plays keepy uppy.
Click the doodle and you will be taken through to a dedicated score and schedule, drawn up by the Big G to give even fair-weather football watchers easy access to the latest results. Back of the net
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